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Ecouter-Lire la canalisation de Jeshua par Jayem, le 28 aout 2010

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Canalisation de Jeshua par Jayem, le 28 aout 2010

le 28 août 2010 : Canalisation de Jeshua par Jayem, cliquer sur la flèche verte
Durée: 1h 15'    Cliquer à droite ici pour télécharger


A l'attention des anglophones, en espérant de tout coeur sa traduction:

Voici la retranscription en anglais d'une canalisation très récente de Jeshua, reçue par Jayem en Grande Bretagne, lors du Festival de la Voie du Coeur, du 26 au 30 août dernier.
J'étais présent lors de cette canalisation que j'ai aussi enregistrée.
Je dois dire que j'ai été très impressionné par le contenu du message, et par le "paquet de bonnes nouvelles" que j'ai ressenti qu'il contenait.
Je te souhaite une bonne lecture.

Le film des premières minutes de la canalisation :

Le dernier cercle des 70 participants à ce séjour, sur Youtube:

Avec amour

(texte imprimable en pièce jointe au format Word)

Utilisez toujours votre discernement par rapport à ces textes.
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Jayem  Channeling - 28 August 2010


 . . .Now we begin. And indeed greetings onto you beloved and holy friends.  I come forth to abide with you in this manner in this way for a specific reason, which will become clear as we continue; but rest assured I’m not apart from you in any moment wherever you are the only thing that can separate you from me is your choice to think a thought unlike love.  I am your brother and your friend and I look upon you and I see only myself.  I see only that which the  Father has given birth onto, like the Father gave birth to me and for the very same purpose.  I come forth then to abide with you through this body-mind of my beloved brother who once again has allowed me to use it for a short while.  I come forth to abide with you that certain words will be recorded.  They shall come to be important in the passage of time. 


It is not by accident that that you are here.  Rest assured you have not come on a whim – interesting word you have “whim” – you have come because we have asked you to be here and when I speak of “we” I speak of myself. I speak of my brother, Germain.  I speak of my - those who would call her such as my mother, Mary.  My beloved friend, heart sister, lover of mine, friend, teacher, Mary Magdalene, and all beings who comprise that of  those beings engaged in this great work of the atonement of mankind.  Rest assured I am in charge of the atonement.  We have called to each and every one of you, individually in the depth of your prayer and your meditation and in the silence between your thoughts and asked you to come to this room, to this hour, to this time .


Take a look around through your physical eyes and let them see the physical bodies of your brothers and sisters, for well do we say onto you there is no one in this room who’s just meeting for the first time. (laughter)   There is no one in this room that has not participated in other time frames of  the world’s other dimensions, but specifically we speak of lifetimes in this world of yours that have not already been connected to this lineage.  This is why for many of you, when you became aware of this lineage in any of its various forms, you felt as though you had come home.  How can it feel like home if you don’t already know what it is?  So rest assured as you look around this circle, everyone is here by specific invitation.  Everyone has agreed to be here, and I come forth in this hour because I ask of you, I implore of you, drop the curtain of doubt.  You are part of a lineage family.  A family is made of friends who have chosen to incarnate, to take on the dream of separation in order to go through the alchemy of healing that dream in your own being, thus to do the same thing that I did, that Germain has done, that we have all done before.  You have entered into this form to forget God, to feel the weight of unworthiness, to know the weight of doubt, to take on the burden of guilt and shame and smallness, to be distracted by the things of the world so that you know and understand the burden that has trapped your brothers and sisters.  Let me say this again:  you, each and every one of you are not here because you failed on this planet.  It is time for you to come to understand that it is your compassion and it is the love of the Christ you are that called you to this planet in the first place. 


You have taken on sins of the world, the dream of separation, to know and understand the frequencies that bind this planet, that bind humanity, so that it can be set free.  Perhaps it is seen like the school that you entered lasted a bit too long, (laughter) but this is not possible.  We have invited you here to come together, to heal together, to celebrate together, to feel the resonance and please don’t pretend that you didn’t notice the resonance of this group in your first gathering.  You all know each other.  All of you know at the level of soul that it has not been by accident that you have incarnated into this time frame, into the family structure that you find yourself in.  And as you have come together, though you seem to think that you are looking at bodies and perhaps are distracted by the thoughts of the lesser self, the deep soul has felt the resonance that has reminded you of what you know.  It this not true? So you see, like attracts like.  We have invited you to activate this sleeping memory. No it hasn’t been asleep in all of you.  Some of you have awakened to this great truth, but some of you have been sleeping a bit.   You’ve heard it whispered to you.   You’ve touched it; but now in the presence of your brothers and sisters can you any longer doubt what you know? 


You have taken on the sins of the world in order to demonstrate that you know how to heal it.  There is no other purpose.  You are part of a grand orchestration that began long time ago.  It was decided, not by someone apart from you, but in conjunction with you that you would incarnate into this time frame of the world just as it is and that you would complete your journey through the various frequencies of guilt, shame, smallness and separation in order to know their pain so profoundly that as you allow healing to come, no one who will be sent to you will be able to mistake the truth that love is.  Let’s come back to that statement again:  that no one who will be sent to you - hint - (pause and laughter) there is not one among you who from this hour is not quickened into taking on more and more of what you might call in your language the role of the teacher or the healer.  There will be many forms to that.  That form is secondary to the substance.  Rest assured when you leave this gathering, this weekend, they call it in this country the bank holiday (laughter).   Rest assured from our perspective we do not see any bank taking a break from wanting you money (laughter).   They work what you call the around the clock.  However when the bank returns from its holiday (laughter) what you call holidays over – rest assured that when you leave this very beautiful and sacred place, it is sacred not because of the place but because of what you bring to it. 


You are that which creates the sacred vortex.  You are that which creates the temple.  When you leave this place remind yourself as you drive out of the driveway or walk or fly, whatever you do, that you know that you go forth not this one who is seeking but as one who knows.  They are indeed part of that ancient lineage that set about a very long time ago the plan of the atonement to infuse this plane with so much light that every vestige of fear shall become vanished, that every trace of guilt will become an extraordinary faint memory of something that seems to have occurred long ago, that every brother and sister, every spark of light of soul, that is but part of you, shall be restored in your holy presence.  Rest assured that we say this onto you with great forthrightness, you look upon us as great masters.   Please understand in this hour know we look upon you as great masters, for you are the ones whose compassion has chosen once yet again full incarnation in the body and in the world; and there are some of us who are quite glad that it is you and not us. (laughter)  We say this unto you a bit tongue and cheek, however, we don’t have either of those.  You do.


The love that it takes to remember love, to breathe love, to extend love, to offer forgiveness, the vigilance, the inner discipline if you will that this requires of you is far greater than it requires of us.  We ask you then in this hour to come to see that you are the great masters.  You are the ones we come to serve.  We come to help you do the work that you have chosen.  For some of you this may be a slight reversal of how you think. (laughter)  Rest assured it isn’t necessary for us to come as your friends and brothers to let you see us as great masters because you are at some stage of taking on the sins of the world, experiencing yourselves as small and lost and incapable.  And so yes we have appeared and brought forth great light and uplifted you and brought miracles to bear.  We have not forgotten the master plan.  To each and every one of you, we have come to you precisely in the moment decreed by you before you took birth in this life, not a moment before. 


Tonight marks the great turning.  The great question will remain:  “Will you allow the turning to complete itself in you?” Good.  How then to allow this great turning, this turning of the age by the way, in which you come to see?  By the way this does not make you special.  It makes you the fulfillment of the servant of God, and you are the servants extraordinaire.  You are the ones that experience a dimension in which you simply walk down the street, and you’re bombarded by the frequencies of pain, frequencies of guilt, the vibrations of heaviness and doubt.  Know you those feelings?  Those are what you call the coffee-shop and you suddenly feel the heaviness in your auric field.  You don’t know where it came from.  It’s in the air.  You are the ones who have chosen to incarnate in a physical form that shares the vibrational field of all of humanity.  This means that where the body is that you once mistakenly called “me” or “I” is ceaselessly and constantly enmeshed if you will, engaged in the vibrational frequencies of all of humanity.  Humanity lives in every cell of your body.  Take a breath. As well I noted a part from a few of you this sounds like a burden.


It’s not a burden; it’s a blessing.  Thank God humanity is in the nucleus of every cell of your body.  You don’t have to tell me where. (laughter) Do you need to travel to the ends of the earth to help heal humanity?  Well, your body may travel to the ends of the earth if the Father sends you.  The point we want you to understand, to take deeply into your being, to know profoundly that every single moment you can breathe light into humanity, to every being, and every body, and every man, and every woman, and every child.  They live in you.  How precious that is every moment, to be right where you are, to recognize that your body encompasses and carries the life of every being and every visible form, every body that has come to take on certain vibrational patterns and there are certain beings that haven’t got a clue how to breathe light into the nucleus of their cells.  You can do it for them and rest assured when you simply remember the truth of who you are, and why you have come, and breathe that light and those frequencies, and allow us and call to us to join with you in any given moment you don’t have to go to a temple, you don’t need to sit on a meditation cushion.  You can go to your coffee shop for a whole new reason.  Wherever you are, now is the time.  The turning of the age is upon us.  Haven’t you been waiting?  Looking forward?  Well, forward is now here. 


Your brothers and sisters await you to be the one who recognizes there is no purpose to time, save the healing of mankind.  It’s time to give up seeking, to heal your wounds. For if you would well receive it, from this moment it is finished.  (clapping)  But it is not finished for your brothers and sisters who need you.  It is time now to recognize that you no longer need to seek for answers, to find an understanding of what has occurred in the past.  The past is gone.  You’re here for the purpose for which you were birthed in the holy mind of God.  You’re here because you chose many, many lifetimes ago, to use that language, to take on a sense of the world, to join with those masters who are awakened, to find out what it means to embody Christ. You are here and the time is now at hand.  To be that one who joyously utilizes every moment, to breathe that light and that love into the heart and the soul of every human soul upon this planet, by remembering that your very bodies hold all beings in the very nucleus of the cells in the form given unto you and thus to give yourself over to the breathing of that light to transmit that light, that frequency, that joy.  How do you do that?  Well, it’s quite complicated.  You merely choose.  This is how we would ask that you do this.  Any time you want, just pause and ask yourself as the arisen Christ, what Divine frequency would I love to transmit to humanity? That’s it.  You’ll know immediately.  Some of you already do this, but all of you will be coming to see these frequencies, for every frequency of energy has its own color, its own quality to it, magentas and blues, violets, and oranges and reds and all the rest subtle nuances thereof.  For thought and love, for frequency is energy itself for as you ask this simple question, you will see it immediately.  It may come as a word, thing. 


Are you seeing the frequency today?  Simply begin to make your home in the breathing and simply allow the frequency of faith into every cell of your being. As you do, what you are calling, the exhalation, see that frequency of faith falling forth into every cell of your being and through the nucleus of the cells of your body entering into the matrix from which the body is emerging that makes up all human beings. Simple, isn’t it?  It is time for you to simply rest in the heart of your being, in your truth, in your knowingness, to know that the past has passed away.  This is why I’ve come.  I’ve always known I had a purpose.  I’ve been waiting.  Tonight is what you’ve been waiting for.  It is simply time for you to take up your rightful place.  It is time for all of you to honor each other by doing this often in remembrance of the truth, of the oneness you are.  Though your bodies will be separate in space and time, in fact we would remind you that try as you might you’ve never been able to get two bodies to occupy the same space.  We recognize the great enjoyment that you had trying.  (laughter)  (Someone in the audience says:  I give up.)  Never give up!  (Ok)   There’s nothing wrong with grappling about with the body with what you call the - this is an odd phrase you have - the lovemaking.  When I get together I make love.  You cannot make love you can only allow it.  Therefore when you choose to join bodies together in great celebration and prayer praying love, simply begin by remembering the truth that is true always that the one before you, the one you would celebrate belongs to the Father is that light, is that son, is that truth, is that radiance of love and you are there to celebrate their heart and soul.  By surrendering the body that you have to become that which delights them, that which pleasures them, that which holds, that which you can kiss the son.  This which you call praying love is still rather good use of the bodies.


Now you are well past the need to try to use the body to get love from another body.  Have you ever noticed that it doesn’t work anyway?  But you are there, let your lovemaking become divine.  First with your lover’s responses and friends, be they one or fifty, well that flies in the face of the conventionalism, doesn’t it?    Let every breath and every touch be a giving of light, by doing just what they asked you do to.  What frequency would I give my lover? Breathe it into your being and with each out breath radiate from the cells of the nucleus of your cells of your body, and let it penetrate into the subtle matrix from which their bodies are arising.  Let that frequency of light prevail your being and become a great giver of light and love.  Now do it with flowers.  Do it with birds.  This may sound odd to you but when was the last time you prayed love with a building? Does that thought seem surprising to you? What is a building but consciousness? Is it not enough picturing of what consciousness would wish to see?  Is there a molecule somewhere in creation that is not worthy of the light and love?  Try it.  Try it.  When you go to your rooms, hold the image of what you call the “Croydon Hall” it seems to have more than one hall I don’t know why they don’t call it Croydon Halls.  We find great humor with your language.  Sit in your room and feel the walls.  Do you know that they carry the vibration of everybody that has ever been in those rooms?  That can be quite a weight – let’s help the walls heal. Why not?  You are surrounded by your beautiful Mother Earth, trees here around the place that you have chosen to gather.  Oh, do you have any idea the role trees play in maintaining the frequency of balance in the energetic field?  I’m not speaking just of sunlight, and earth, and water and all the rest.  They absorb frequencies and transmute frequencies.  When was the last time you loved a tree?  That went right through you.


So you see from this hour you no longer have time to waste on trying to heal.  Now is the time come to seize time, to be the light-givers.  There is no one in this room who does not know intimately and fully every subtle nuance of the pain of separation, guilt, doubt, fear, and all the rest.  Do these things sound familiar to you?  You know them inside and out, once again we would share with you, you came to know them inside out because of your compassion; your willingness to join with us to come to this particular dimension of creation, of which there are an infinite number, to heal, to transfigure the dream of separation into the reality of heaven on earth.  That is why you are here.  Will you allow this great turning to complete itself in you? 


You see, though you have come to us many times as great masters, some of you have come to us so many times that we have lost count, asking us to heal you.  Well, going along with your own plan we said okay, and we emanated the frequencies of light and healings and questions and all the rest to you, waiting patiently for you to recognize that the very reason you were doing that was so that you could understand the need to seek healing outside of itself and all the subtle nuances of the exchange of energy is between you as the seeker and the one who is providing the frequency.  All the subtle nuances involved and the most important thing of all is that no one heals another.  I’ve never healed anyone.  I’ve emanated the light of God to many.  But you have needed to understand the mechanism of receiving, the willingness to allow that light to penetrate your being.  Does that make sense to you?


For many will be sent to you who will not yet understand that they are the source of all power under heaven and earth.  They will ask you to transmit the frequencies of light to them.  So just do it.  And wait for them to awaken to the truth, to finally seize my God.  Jeshua can come and stand in my midst and emanate the perfect light of God, but he is powerless if I do not offer my willingness to be penetrated.  This is always true, because if it were not true it would mean that you were not a sovereign being.  It would mean that I could override your desire.  No one can override the desire of what God has created and given freedom to, to dream the dream they wish to dream.  No one can override that.  We can simply demonstrate that you might what to consider a new choice.  We can emanate the frequencies of light and joy and celebration and peace and extraordinary play, the frequencies of the Universe, so hopefully it will get your attention; but you and you alone now know that nothing changes until you want it to change.  Therefore, beloved friends, to allow this great turning to complete itself, you will require that you want it to, that you feel the desire of it constantly, that you play the frequencies of extending this light, by breathing it into you as we described, seeing it, feeling it, enter into the subtle matrix of all of humanity.  Rest assured, all you need do is sit in your coffee shop, wherever you wish to be, and simply begin that process and just ask if you want to ask us, we’ll be there to help you.  Germain, you’re my brother, my friend, my teacher you’re the one I resonate with.   Mary, doesn’t matter who it is, we don’t get jealous.  We don’t keep count.  Well, Okay, Germain and I do keep count.  (laughter)  He  likes to remind me that he’s winning.  I let him believe what he wants.  (laughter) We had fun.  Rest assured, if you call on us, you’re free to do that. Germain, Jeshua, Mary, who would you bring before me right now?  And that fast, someone will come.  They may be someone who appears to you and right away go. Wait a minute, what are they wearing went out of style 6,000 years ago.  It’s because an aspect of their soul has been stuck there.  There is something unhealed, incomplete, of that time frame or that lifetime that’s why you’ll see them as they appear to you.  That’s literally the time frame of who or what they were when something got glitched, the wire got snapped, so let it come.  Which means by the way, some will be sent to you and you won’t recognize what they are wearing because it hasn’t shown up yet.  Healing is not just of the past, so when they are sent unto you, just let them come.  You’ll see them immediately and just again ask what frequency would I most desire to send to this beautiful soul.  Because you see, if you ask that question you as Christ cannot  help but automatically desire the one frequency they most need.  Does that make sense to you? 


Christ does not deliver junk mail.  Christ does not deliver what’s unworkable and what’s not needed.  Christ is the frequency, is that oneness of knowingness, that oneness with God itself that already knows, and you access that frequency through the purity of your desire, that love extend light to another.  You don’t have to have a single idea, thank God, merely desire what frequency would I most desire as Christ to send to the heart of this beautiful being and it will be right there.  It may suddenly be the power, of a will to step forward and complete their task.  Breathe it into your being, radiate it into the subtle matrix of their being, and it will suffuse their nucleus.  Now is the time to start sneaking in the back door.  


The only question remains:  Will you allow this great turning to complete itself in you?  Some of you are thinking, “Didn’t he already ask us that before?”  Those of you that know us well, you probably have learned that if we repeat ourselves, there might be a reason. Beloved friends, how long has been the journey, yet only the twinkling of an eye.  From this day and hour, let it be known, deep in your being to whomever you want to share it with that which has been known has the journey.  What journey can that be?  Germain is germane to the process of healing, though I have never allowed myself to call him a saint.  I’ve known him for a long time.  He’s no saint!  (laughter)


There’s far too much of a mischievous twinkle in the eyes of his heart to ever call him a saint.  He’s far beyond any such categorization.  On the other hand, he’s never called me the Savior of the world.  (laughter)  He’s known me way too long.  We are brothers and friends.  We are in perfect communion and communication always in the great frequency of what I have used in this pathway to call friendship.  A friend is one who deliberately gives the whole of their being to see you only as the light of Christ itself and holds you in that frequency for all eternity.  That is the meaning of friend.  Our friendship is quite profound, and because we hold each other in that light, because we have joined in friendship in that light, we create ceaselessly together in many dimensions beyond this one, yet what we create there is the same as what we create here.  Contexts, teachings, opportunities, frequencies that invite the sleeping to awaken.  This is a great delight.  It is our great delight because you are our great love. 


Tonight, it’s time to give up thinking, but you still have the journey or distance to travel to join us.  It’s time to recognize that this is the night, the day, the hour, the moment in which you’ve asked us to come and let you know to deliver the telegram and ask you to open it. It was written by your own hand.  Now is the time upon the earth that has been prayed for, and waited for, and worked for, and you have been a profound participant in the necessary work of entering into the matrix of separation that you would know it inside and out.  For many will be sent to you and from this day and hour regardless of what they think, regardless of what they say, regardless of their defense mechanisms, look them in the eyes, you radiate the frequency you want to them and tell them the truth.  Brother and sister, you are all worthy of all the love of God right here and right now, and I am here because I love you.  And in your voice, they will know that it is true only because you have entered into the dream of separation, you have taken it on and felt it all and thus you speak with the authority of one who knows.  Isn’t that what you always liked about us? 


Germain knew the depths of separation. He knows what the frequencies are all about.  He knows what the frequencies are like to heal that and then extend that which heals that.  I picked up a few things along the way myself in that matter of understanding the dreams of separation, temptations, fear, loss, and throw in a little persecution now and then.  Now it’s your turn.  Rest assured I say this unto you, as I said this to my beloved brother many years ago there will be no such persecution this time.  The world is tired of it.  You’re not going to be sent into the bowels of hell. 


Now the other part of the message that we would share with you in this hour is given to those of you who chosen incarnation in the feminine form.  We have shared this before, but it is important to do so again.  It is vital in this turning of the age that women truly and fully lead by stepping fully into the power and the wisdom they have always carried.  Woman is the great carrier of oneness with nature, with the earth.  Woman is the very carrier of feeling.  And it has been, shall we say, hidden - very suppressed, even hated, jealousy, desired and far too many have still been living in a frequency of fear.  Far too many women are still holding on to the great gifts of being woman who can hide her light and pretend to be weak, so somebody else can do it. (laughter)  It is time for women, women, beautiful, precious women, you’ve always been carriers of the truth, you have always been.  Heal the soul that doesn’t entirely lose remembrance of. It is time.  It is absolutely essential that the women lead.  Rest assured there are growing numbers of what you call men who are just waiting for women to lead.  It is essential that women lead in this dimension and world because it’s hard for a lot of people on your planet to trust men.  I say this simply, but there is great depth to it.  Women who are in this room tonight, you are not weak and you are not small.  As you step into that light, into that frequency giving we are talking about with you tonight, you are going to find that men change their attitude toward you.  They’re going to want to support you.  They are going to want, and they will be encouraged  and inspired to serve you.  You may wish to teach them how to cook first.  (laughter) 


Do you ever wonder, those of you who have paid some attention to my last incarnation, and by last I don’t just mean my last one and there’s going to be another one, I mean my last one.  Have you not ever been curious that in the end when all had been betrayed me and left me, those are your words, that it was the women who did not depart?  That which is called the three Mary’s knew perfectly well the role of women, the great strength and the power and the necessity of the feminine current that allows the masculine to flower and fulfill its specific task. 


It is time, precious women, to acknowledge that you do know.  It is time, precious women, to no longer tolerate an ounce of smallness in your men.  Help them, inspire them, let them know that you are there with them.  Encourage them to go forth to fulfill the role they’ve been given.  Build the cosmic bridge, write the book, do whatever it is.  No more what you call here the “couch potato”.  Men, the men in this room, do you not seek her love, her inspiration of the strength of woman?  Every man in this room has been crying out and longing for women to come and say, “Know who you are. Step forward, we’re with you. And when you don’t step forward, we won’t be with you.”  Again, men, is this not true? 


Woman from the audience:  “Help them, inspire them, encourage them and what? support them?”


Support them and let them know with the feeling of your presence, that you are no longer willing to settle for less.  No longer let the men in your life settle for being less than the men that God would ask them to be.  And rest assured that I was once a man.  Well, sometimes my mother wasn’t so sure that I was such a man.  I know what it means, as a man, to recognize the great need of the feminine frequency in its strength to emanate inspiration, heart, soul, to activate the principle within the male that gets active so that it can go out and fulfill its task.  When I was oh about 21 years of age, I was being sent to many different teachers, yes, I was sent to some man teachers, but that was all preparation.  My principle teachers were female.  In Egypt, what you call as the Palestine, in Persia, and in India, my principle teachers were women.  And it is not by accident that when it was time for me to fulfill the role I had been given, to demonstrate the unreality of death, the power of forgiveness and love, in the worst possible conditions, so rest assured the worst has already happened, it was not by accident that one was sent to me in my terror who fulfilled exactly this role.   I think most of you know whom I am talking about.  There’s a soul, there is a soul of such extraordinary power, the power that comes from a love that is unshakable, eternal, vast in its conditions (?),     its truth, its patience, its love.  There has never been a moment I have ceased in what you might call bowing down before my great friend, love, lover, Mary Magdalene.  And yes it is quite true there could not have been a completion of what I brought forth to completion in that incarnation without her equal participation and presence. 


You have an interesting phrase, I love your English language, so I will use some of it.  In regard to Mary Magdalene, I owe her big time.  I’m not sure what that means.  The last thing that she wants is more time.  So this is your role, women, to remember that you are the strength, you are the power. Divine feminine is the root foundation of frequency that emanates from the unknown mystery of God first.  It is the womb from which all else arises.  And those of you that have chosen incarnation in feminine form have done so deliberately to bring forth that current and acknowledge it again, to ground it, to be that strength yet a strength in great softness, in great compassion, great care, great forgiveness, great knowing.  Women, please fulfill your role.  And by the way, the men who are sent unto you or whom you find yourself partnered with or with in your current life, less they need be reminded let them know because you are awake you don’t need them.  They will be given your light, and your love, and your presence, and your encouragement, and your very presence as they show and demonstrate their willingness to step forward and take up the task before them.  Does that make sense for you?


This is the great marriage of the divine masculine and the divine feminine.  Let your language (?) share with you and I’ve said this through this form before, the divine feminine comes first.  The divine births the infinite role of potentiality, that which holds all things, that in which all things rest and reside, the unshakable love of God. 


There’s a skirt.  It’s feminine in nature, that comes first; thus in your time frame, in the great atonement, it is as necessary to demonstrate this by showing it operating through those in feminine form.  Does that make sense for you?  Rest assured there are many men who will flock to you, but finally for the right reason, not to take but to support, because they will feel that their own beings being touched by the power and inspiration of your strength, and your love, and your infinite divine knowing.  They will not want from you, the body.  You’re free to give it to them.  They will not want from you to be submissive.  They will want from you what you are already giving them, the light that inspires them to flower, the magnificence of their own masculinity. 


And so we would ask of you is all that has been shared this evening been clear for you?  And now, my brother and I can return and retire to the cosmic pool and order a drink (laughter) which of course we won’t do.  I have a question for you.  Would you like to guess what it is? 


(People in the audience guess.) 


Remember this question and ask it of yourself as you walk upon your precious earth, as you go to your coffee shop, or I suppose you shop the coffee when you go:  “Will I now allow this great turning to be completed within me?”  Keep the question alive in your being.  There’s a reason for it.  The reason will become clear for you as you live in that question.  You will find the question itself activates you, awakens your desire to breathe those frequencies into the matrix of humanity.  The simple asking of the question will, what is your word, galvanize you to that desire.  Does that make sense for you?   Let it come to the place where it is the only question that remains in your mind.  You know some of those other questions  . . . :


What are the winning lottery numbers?  Those are useless.  Let all questions from this moment be replaced with only that question and you will find the doorway through the eye of the needle.


“Am I willing to allow this great turning to be completed within me now?”  You will feel this desire being birthed in you in that very moment.  You will remember why you have come and you will set it out to have a ball, choosing the frequency through that desire to emanate into the matrix of humanity.  Rest assured that those who need to come be with you physically in form need to do so they will not be able to stop themselves from being picked up on the cosmic grace carpet and whooshed into your presence.  Several of you within the next eight to ten months are going to find yourselves quickened into new forms of teaching, brand new  forms of teaching,  some of you who have not been what you call  teachers or healers are going to find that you cannot stop it now.  Some of you are going to be what you call, I won’t say moving house because you won’t be taking it with you.  You’re to leave your baggage in your old house.  Some of you are going to be moving, three of you are going to be moving great distances.  Well, what you call great distances.  It’s a small planet.  Much change is now going to begin to be quickened in all of those that are present in this room.  And with this, we return with where we began. 


You are here because of your compassion.  You have all completed all that you need to know of the suffering of separation.  It is finished.  There is nothing left for you to do but to join into this great work with us.  Rest assured what you call your future time is going to be some interesting merging of the work, of the once again not here, Germain and myself and others.  There is going to be other gatherings similar to this in which we both show up.  Well, it’s not that we don’t show up, but in a way that can be seen and demonstrated.  In other words, our working together behind the scenes is going to come to be more and more working together in front of the scenes.  So, the telegram that you wrote has been delivered.  Heal the space that you are in right now.  Look at those you are with. The day and the hour was already written and chosen.  This is the turning of the age. 


What then could you possibly do with this great recognition except hug each other, cry, laugh, dance, sing, play, and enjoy the great frequencies of ecstasy.  By the way, yes, it is true, I hear your thought, there are a few of you that are going to be leaving the planet within the next 18 months.  Just two.  Some of you stopped breathing!  (laughter)


Someone in the audience:  “I was getting ready to go!”


You will be the last to go. (laughter)


Same person in the audience:  “Thanks.  I had that coming, didn’t I?”


Yes, and you have much more coming because you are now entering the doorway where you are willing finally to receive.  It’s time.


So with that, we will take our leave from you, yet never are we apart from you.  It has been a great joy to come yet again in this particular form which is only one of many ways in which I have communicated with you. You all know that.  Yet it has been a great honor to come forth in this manner to deliver the telegram, which you wrote long ago, long ago.   We’re no longer moving forward toward a New Age. It’s here. 


What amazing changes you are about to see begin to happen in your time.  (laughter) . . . So with that indeed, beloved friends, we bring this hour to a close.  Know that you are loved.  Know that we are with you.  Know that you are the great light that lights this world.  Know that you are the bringers of this light divine.  Know that you have completed your tasks. It’s time to celebrate!  Love, that’s what you are.  Welcome then this night before you close the eyes of the body welcome all beings who are waiting to be sent to you.   Welcome them to you with love of Christ.  Enjoy your sleep.  Peace then be with you always.  Amen.













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